Rules of Reading Quran: Comprehensive Guide

rules of reading quran

The Holy Quran, revealed to Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) over a span of 23 years, is the most sacred and revered scripture globally.

It stands apart from all other books as the direct words of the Almighty Lord, serving as divine guidance for both Muslims and non-Muslims.

Given its unique significance, the Quran deserves utmost reverence. While elders often understand the etiquettes of reading it, younger children require patient and thorough instruction.

Frequent exposure to Quranic recitation can spark curiosity in children, although they may initially perceive it as an ordinary book. With guidance, they can learn to treat it with respect and adhere to proper reading rules.

Observing these rules is crucial for Muslims as it ensures accurate recitation and comprehension, fostering a deeper spiritual connection with Allah SWT. Adhering to Tajweed rules helps convey the true message of the Quran and strengthens faith.

The foremost rule is purifying oneself before engaging with the Quran through Wudhu or washing. 

إِنَّهُ لَقُرْآنٌ كَرِيمٌ فِي كِتَابٍ مَّكْنُونٍ لَا يَمَسُّهُ إِلَّا الْمُطَهَّرُونَ  

Surah Al-Waqi’ah (56:77-79)

“Indeed, it is a noble Quran, in a Register well-protected; none touch it except the purified.”

To aid in this endeavor, we’ve compiled ten manners of reading the Quran for both adults and children to follow, promoting a deeper understanding and appreciation of its teachings.

Encouraging children to read and comprehend these concepts enhances their understanding and reverence for the Quran.

10 Essential Etiquette for Reading the Quran

Listed below are fundamental rules for reading the Quran, regardless of your learning method:

  1. Elevate the Quran

Elevating the Quran signifies its esteemed position in Islam. Placing it on a clean pillow or a wooden book rest not only prevents it from being placed disrespectfully on the floor but also symbolizes the elevated status of the Quran in the hearts and minds of believers.

Placing it in a prominent position acknowledges its significance and the reverence it deserves.

  1. Recite Istiaazah and Basmalah

Reciting Istiaazah (seeking refuge) and Basmalah (invoking the name of Allah) before beginning the recitation of the Quran is a way to seek protection from Satan’s influence and to invoke Allah’s blessings and guidance.

This practice instills a sense of spiritual preparedness and reverence, reminding the reader of the divine protection and mercy encompassing the Quranic verses.

  1. Sit Respectfully

Sitting in a respectful manner while engaging with the Quran reflects the importance and seriousness of the task at hand.

It conveys humility and devotion towards the words of Allah, as one assumes a posture of attentiveness and reverence.

Sitting respectfully acknowledges the sacredness of the Quran and demonstrates a willingness to receive its guidance with an open heart and mind.

  1. Perform Wudu Before Reading

Wudu (ablution) is not only a physical act of purification but also a spiritual preparation before engaging with the Quran.

Performing wudu before reading cleanses oneself from impurities and distractions, creating a state of purity and focus conducive to understanding and reflecting upon the Quranic teachings.

It serves as a symbolic gesture of readiness to immerse oneself in the divine guidance contained within the Quran.

  1. Praise Allah SWT

Expressing gratitude and praise to Allah upon concluding a Quranic session is a way to acknowledge His guidance and blessings.

It serves as a reminder of the immense privilege and responsibility of engaging with the Quran and signifies a deep appreciation for the opportunity to seek knowledge and spiritual enlightenment through His words.

Praising Allah reaffirms faith and commitment to following the teachings of the Quran in daily lives.

  1. Hold Quran with Right Hand

Holding the Quran with the right hand is a practice rooted in the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) and reflects an adherence to Islamic etiquette and tradition.

The right hand is considered the hand of honor and respect in Islamic culture, and holding the Quran with it signifies reverence and esteem for the sacred text.

This simple yet significant gesture demonstrates a commitment to upholding the traditions of the Prophet and treating the Quran with the utmost respect and veneration.

  1. Fulfill Quranic Requirements 

The Quran contains specific instructions and injunctions that believers are encouraged to observe during recitation.

These include performing prostration (Sajdah) at designated verses of prostration, pausing at appropriate junctures to reflect on the meaning, and observing the etiquettes of recitation as prescribed by Islamic tradition.

Fulfilling these requirements demonstrates respect for the sanctity of the Quran and a commitment to following its guidance in accordance with established practices.

  1. Avoid Distractions 

Creating a conducive environment free from distractions is essential for effective engagement with the Quran.

By eliminating external distractions such as mobile phones, noise, and interruptions, one can fully concentrate on the recitation and comprehension of the Quranic verses.

This allows for deeper reflection and absorption of the divine message, enabling a more profound connection with the text and its teachings.

  1. Recite Slowly

Reciting the Quran at a measured and deliberate pace allows for better comprehension and absorption of its message.

Reciting slowly helps avoid errors in pronunciation and intonation and ensures a more accurate and meaningful recitation.

This enables the reader to contemplate the profound wisdom and guidance contained within each verse, fostering a deeper connection with the Quranic text and its teachings.

  1. Follow Tajweed Rules: 

Tajweed encompasses the rules of proper pronunciation and recitation of the Quran, ensuring that the beauty and integrity of the divine message are preserved.

Adhering to Tajweed rules maintains the purity of the Quranic text and upholds the tradition of reciting it with precision and reverence.

This enhances the spiritual experience of engaging with the Quran and enables the reader to appreciate the intricate beauty of its verses while striving for excellence in recitation.

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Rules of Reading Quran

Mastering Quranic Recitation: Tips for Correct Reading

How to read Quran correctly, consider these valuable tips:

Stay Focused:

Eliminate distractions to maintain concentration while reciting the Quran. Create a conducive environment that allows you to focus solely on your reading without interruptions.

Effective Learning Strategies:

Follow these strategies to facilitate easier Quranic memorization:

  • Prepare Your Environment:

 Choose a quiet and conducive environment for learning to minimize distractions. Ensure a reliable internet connection if learning online.

  • Engage With Your Teacher: 

Opt for one-on-one sessions with a knowledgeable Quran teacher to receive personalized guidance and clear any doubts effectively.

  • Regular Practice:

 Dedicate time each day to practice Quranic recitation. Regular practice reinforces memorization and helps identify and rectify errors.

Listen to Renowned Reciters:

Immerse yourself in the beautiful recitations of famous Quranic reciters like Abdul Rahman Al Sudais, Mishary Rashid Al-afasy, and Abdul Basit Abdus Samad.

Listening to their recitations and emulating their style can improve your proficiency in Quranic recitation.

Learn Tajweed Rules:

 Tajweed rules provide guidelines for proper pronunciation, ensuring accurate recitation of Quranic words. Adhering to Tajweed rules enhances your ability to read the Quran with precision.

By incorporating these strategies into your Quranic reading routine, you can enhance your proficiency and accuracy in reciting the sacred text.

Understanding Tajweed Rules

Understanding Tajweed Rules: A Comprehensive Guide

Tajweed, the art of Quranic recitation, must be learned through listening and practice to achieve perfect pronunciation. While this guide provides a broad overview of some key rules, it is essential to seek assistance from a qualified teacher for proper learning. Below are some fundamental definitions and quran reading rules to help you understand the basics of Tajweed.

Key Definitions

Ghunnah (nasal sound): This is the nasal sound produced when pronouncing certain letters. To feel this, pinch your nose so you can’t breathe through it and say words starting with ‘m’ or ‘n’. You’ll notice your nose vibrates, like when you say “Mmmm” upon seeing delicious food.

Sakinah/Sakin: This refers to a letter with Sukoon (a diacritical mark indicating the absence of a vowel sound). For instance, noon sakinah refers to the letter noon with Sukoon (نْ).

Important Tajweed Rules

Noon Sakinah & Tanween

This rule involves the pronunciation of the ‘nnn’ sound produced by:

  • Noon sakinah (نْ)
  • Letters with tanween (a double vowel that adds the noon sound to the applied letter)
    • بًا (ban)
    • بٍ (bin)
    • بٌ (boon)

Idhaar (to make clear): If noon sakinah (نْ) or a Tanween is followed by these six letters [ء ه ع ح غ خ], pronounce the noon clearly without Ghunnah.

Idghaam (to merge): There are two forms of Idghaam: with Ghunnah and without.

  • With Ghunnah: If these letters [ي ن م و] follow a noon Sakinah or tanween, skip the Ghunnah from the noon but apply it with the following letter.
  • Without Ghunnah: For other specified letters, merge the sounds without the nasal tone.

Iqlaab (to convert): If there is a [ب] following a noon sakinah or tanween, convert the Ghunnah into a [م] by pronouncing the meem, then the [ب].

Ikhfaa (to hide): This applies to the remaining letters [ت ث ج د ذ س ش ص ض ط ظ ف ق ك]. Hide the noon Sakinah or tanween but apply Ghunnah. The Ghunnah’s intensity depends on the specific following letter. Adjust your lips and mouth as if you are about to pronounce the next letter after the noon sakinah or tanween.

Noon & Meem Mushaddad

This rule applies to the letters noon and meem with shaddah. If a noon or a meem has shaddah, pronounce a 2-beat ghunnah. This remains applicable even when stopping on the letter. Ensure you extend only the ghunnah and not the sound of the letter itself.


  • ثُمَّ = thummma
  • إِنَّ = innna

Meem Sakinah

The rules for meem Sakinah are similar to those for noon Sakinah and tanween but with fewer specific letter applications.

Ikhfaa Shafawy

If a [ب] follows a meem Sakinah, apply a Ghunnah while hiding the meem Sakinah before pronouncing the [ب].

Learning Tajweed is a detailed and nuanced process that requires practice and guidance. While this guide covers essential rules, it is crucial to engage with a knowledgeable teacher to master the art of Quranic recitation. 

Use this guide as a reference as you embark on your journey to perfect your Tajweed skills.

Effective Strategies for Learning to Read the Quran

Understanding the 10 essential manners of reading the Quran is a great start, but mastering this holy text requires practical tips and techniques. Below are some proven strategies to help you learn to read the Quran efficiently and correctly.

Engage a Qualified Teacher

One of the most effective ways to learn to read the Quran is by seeking guidance from a qualified teacher. A dedicated instructor can correct your pronunciation, ensuring you learn accurately.

Mispronouncing even a single letter can alter the meaning of an entire sentence, so having a teacher to provide immediate feedback is invaluable.

Avoid Overloading Yourself

Learning to read the Quran, especially for non-native speakers, is a gradual process. Don’t expect fluency overnight. Instead, break down your learning journey into manageable stages.

Start by mastering the pronunciation of individual letters and their sounds. Once you are comfortable with these, progress to reading words and sentences slowly to minimize errors.

Consistent Revision is Key

Revising regularly is crucial for retaining what you’ve learned. Daily practice of letters and Ayahs will reinforce your memory and improve your reading skills over time.

Consistent revision helps to solidify your understanding and leads to noticeable improvements in your reading ability.

By incorporating these techniques, you can enhance your proficiency in reading the Quran, making your learning journey both effective and fulfilling.

How to Stop Correctly While Reading the Quran

Stopping correctly on any word while reading the Quran is essential to maintain the accuracy and respect of the recitation. Here’s how to properly come to a stop at the end of an Ayah, sentence, or when taking a breath:

Deleting Short Vowels and Tanween

  • Short Vowels and Tanween Removal
    At the end of a word, short vowels (Fathah, Kasrah, Dammah) and Tanween (double vowels) are omitted in pronunciation. For example, a word ending with ‘نً’ (noon with Tanween) will be pronounced as ‘ن’ (noon without any vowel) when stopping.
  • Exception for Tanween of Fathah
    The Tanween of Fathah (ـً) is pronounced as an Alif (ا) when pausing. For instance, a word ending with ‘بًا’ (ban) will be pronounced as ‘با’ (baa).

Handling Taa Marbutah

  • Deletion of Vowels and Tanween on Taa Marbutah
    When stopping on a Taa Marbutah (ة or ة), all vowels and Tanween are removed. The letter is then pronounced as Haa (ه) with sukoon (silence). For example, ‘رحمةً’ (rahmatan) becomes ‘رحمه’ (rahmah) when stopping.

Tips for Accurate Stopping

  • Listen and Imitate
    Practice by listening to skilled reciters and mimicking their stopping techniques.
  • Practice with a Teacher
    A knowledgeable teacher can provide guidance and correct your mistakes.
  • Focus on Pronunciation
    Pay attention to the pronunciation changes when stopping to ensure accuracy.
  • Use Tajweed Resources
    Utilize Tajweed books and online resources to reinforce your understanding and practice.

By following these guidelines, you can improve your ability to stop correctly while reading the Quran, ensuring that your recitation remains respectful and accurate.

Understanding Breathless Pause Signs in the Quran

The Concept of Sakt in Quranic Recitation

In the study of Tajweed, the rules governing the recitation of the Quran, one important concept is Sakt or Saktah. This refers to a two-count pause without taking a breath, and it is indicated by specific signs in various Mushafs (copies of the Quran).

Types of Sakt in Hafs Recitation

In the Hafs method of Quranic recitation, there are four types of pauses where Sakt is applied. These pauses help maintain the rhythm and flow of the recitation, ensuring that the meaning of the text is conveyed accurately and respectfully.

Tips for Proper Quran Recitation

To recite the Quran correctly and with the appropriate reverence, follow these eight essential tips:

  • Treat the Quran with Respect: Remember that the Quran is the word of God and should be handled with the utmost respect.
  • Seek Knowledge and Guidance: Read the Quran with the intention of gaining knowledge and guidance.
  • Perform Ablutions: Ensure you are in a state of ritual purity by performing ablutions before recitation.
  • Pronounce Properly: Focus on proper pronunciation and enunciation to convey the correct meaning.
  • Read in Arabic: The Quran should be recited in its original Arabic language to preserve its authenticity and nuances.
  • Read Slowly: Recite slowly and thoughtfully, contemplating the meanings of the verses.
  • Avoid Rushing: Do not rush through the recitation; take your time to read carefully and attentively.
  • Show Reverence and Humility: Approach the recitation with a sense of reverence and humility, understanding the significance of the words you are reading.

FAQs: Rules of Reading Quran

What is Qalqalah?

Qalqalah refers to the echoing sound produced when certain letters with sukoon are pronounced. The letters include qaaf (ق), taa (ط), baa (ب), jeem (ج), and daal (د).

What are the types of Madd in Tajweed?

  1. Madd Tabee’i: Natural prolongation for two counts.
  2. Madd Munfasil: Prolongation for four to five counts when a vowel letter is followed by hamzah in separate words.
  3. Madd Muttasil: Prolongation for four to five counts when a vowel letter is followed by hamzah in the same word.
  4. Madd Laazim: Necessary prolongation for six counts when a vowel letter is followed by a letter with sukoon.
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