When Can A Woman Take Off Her Hijab: 8 Situations

when can a woman take off her hijab

As a Muslim woman who wears the hijab, a veil that covers my hair and chest as a sign of modesty and faith, I observe it whenever I am in public or around non-mahram men, those with whom marriage is permissible.

 However, there are specific situations where I can remove my hijab without violating the Islamic dress code.

Lear when can a woman take off her hijab in this article.

When Can A Woman Take Off Her Hijab?

There has been significant debate recently regarding who can see a woman without her hijab, even though Islamic rulings on this matter are quite clear. 

Due to the vast global diversity, not all women have the same access to these rulings and the juristic opinions surrounding them.

Here is a list of when can a woman take off her hijab:

Before Puberty  

You are not required to wear the hijab until you reach puberty, which is the age of accountability in Islam. 

Puberty marks the stage when a child becomes physically and sexually mature, typically accompanied by bodily changes like hair growth, breast development, menstruation for girls, and ejaculation for boys. 

Emotional and psychological changes also occur, such as identity formation and personality development. 

Although wearing the hijab is not obligatory before puberty, you may choose to wear it earlier if you wish.

In Privacy  

You can remove your hijab in private spaces such as your home, bedroom, or bathroom. 

This gives you the freedom to be comfortable and express yourself without concern. 

Additionally, you can beautify yourself for your husband in private, as this fosters love and strengthens the marital relationship.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

“The best of you are those who are best to their wives, and I am the best of you to my wives.” 


During Ablution  

Ablution, or wudu, is the ritual washing of the face, hands, arms, head, and feet before prayer. 

It serves as a spiritual purification before worship. You may remove your hijab during wudu since washing the face, head, and ears is part of the process.

when can a woman take off her hijab

Among Women  

You can take off your hijab in the presence of female family members, such as your mother, sister, daughter, or niece. 

Similarly, in women-only settings like a beauty salon or spa, the hijab may be removed. 

However, modesty is still advised, and you should be cautious not to display your body or ornaments to those who may harbor jealousy or ill intentions. 

Also, it’s important to avoid imitating the dress or behavior of non-Muslim women or those who engage in sinful acts.

In Front of Immediate Family  

You may remove your hijab around your mahram, male relatives you cannot marry, such as your father, grandfather, uncle, or son-in-law. 

Since there is no risk of attraction or temptation, removing the hijab in their presence is permissible. 

However, you should maintain modesty and avoid causing discomfort.

Marital Family  

In your marital family, the most obvious person you can be without a hijab in front of is your husband. 

Your father-in-law is also considered a mahram, so you can remove your hijab around him as well. 

However, your husband’s brothers and brothers-in-law are not mahrams, so you must keep your hijab on in their presence.

Milk Brothers and Kinship  

Many may not be aware that milk brothers exist in Islam. 

A milk brother refers to a man who has been breastfed by your mother or one you have breastfed by his mother. 

When both a man and a woman have been nursed by the same woman, they are considered milk siblings, making them permanently unmarriageable to each other, thus categorizing the man as a mahram.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stated, 

“It is forbidden to breastfeed what is forbidden from parentage” 

(Surah Bukhari 2645). 

This means your milk brother holds the same status as your biological brother in terms of mahram rules, allowing you to remove your hijab in his presence.

Regarding your milk brother’s brothers, they are not mahrams. 

According to Islamic rulings, only your milk brother qualifies as a mahram; thus, it is permissible for you to marry one of his brothers, and you must keep your hijab on in front of them.

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During Sports or PE  

You may take off your hijab while engaging in physical activities such as sports or physical education, as long as it’s in a segregated or women-only environment. 

You can also opt for a sports hijab made from breathable materials. 

Sports are important for physical and mental well-being, contributing to fitness, recreation, and social engagement.

This was the answer to when can a woman take off her hijab, now let’s talk about what are mahrams

What Are Mahrams?

A woman may sit without her hijab in front of her mahrams, but this does not imply she can wear excessively revealing clothes. 

Even with her mahrams, there are guidelines to follow, especially if she feels uncomfortable or does not trust all of them.

According to Shaykh Muhammad Saalih ibn ‘Uthaymeen, a woman can expose her face, neck, arms, calves, and feet when in the presence of her mahrams. 

However, it is recommended that she cover the rest of her body to avoid unnecessary attention or reactions.

when can a woman take off her hijab

Hijab For Elderly Women In Islam

In Islam, elderly women, typically those past menopause, may be granted more leniency regarding the hijab. 

وَٱلْقَوَٰعِدُ مِنَ ٱلنِّسَآءِ ٱلَّـٰتِى لَا يَرْجُونَ نِكَاحًۭا فَلَيْسَ عَلَيْهِنَّ جُنَاحٌ أَن يَضَعْنَ ثِيَابَهُنَّ غَيْرَ مُتَبَرِّجَـٰتٍۭ بِزِينَةٍۢ ۖ وَأَن يَسْتَعْفِفْنَ خَيْرٌۭ لَّهُنَّ ۗ وَٱللَّهُ سَمِيعٌ عَلِيمٌۭ

As for elderly women past the age of marriage, there is no blame on them if they take off their ˹outer˺ garments, without revealing their adornments. But it is better for them if they avoid this ˹altogether˺. And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.

(Surah An-Nur 24:60) 

states that it is not sinful for elderly women to remove some of their outer garments as long as they do not intentionally display their beauty. This leniency reflects their reduced vulnerability to the social dynamics that hijab primarily addresses.

Who Can’t See Woman’s Hair?

Non-mahram men, those whom a woman can potentially marry, are prohibited from seeing her without a hijab to preserve modesty and privacy. This group includes:

  • Strangers: Men who are neither related by blood nor through marriage.
  • Male Friends and Acquaintances: Any man who is not classified as mahram.
  • Male Colleagues: Men in professional or academic environments.
  • Brothers-in-Law: While part of the extended family, they are not mahram, so the same modesty rules apply.

These guidelines ensure that modesty, respect, and moral behavior are upheld, protecting the dignity and integrity of women and fostering an environment based on mutual respect.


In conclusion, when can a woman take off her hijab? The hijab symbolizes faith, modesty, and dignity for Muslim women. It is a command from Allah and was practiced by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), as well as his wives and daughters. 

However, the hijab is not intended to restrict or oppress women but rather to safeguard and honor them. 

In certain situations and under specific conditions, a woman may remove her hijab, either fully or partially, without compromising the Islamic principles of modesty.

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FAQs On When Can A Woman Take Off Her Hijab?

What Age Do You Stop Wearing A Hijab?

Girls usually start wearing a hijab around age 7, and by the age of 13-15, some may wear a burka. Elderly women, especially those over 60, may choose not to wear it anymore.

Is It A Sin To Take Off Your Hijab?

Taking off the hijab in front of non-mahram men or when leaving home is considered sinful in Islam unless the woman repents.

What Are The Rules Of Wearing A Hijab?

According to the four major Sunni schools, women must cover their hair and body, except the face and hands, in the presence of non-mahram men.

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